Last week we spent a lot of time adjusting to using google translate, figuring out phones and bikes. Our very helpful Uruguayan contact, Leo, lent Paul his bike for the entire two months we are here. He explained that the bike almost forgot it's purpose. I purchased a good used bike that I can sell back to the bike shop before we leave.
Saturday we decided to go to the local beach called Playa Ramirez. It was lovely including a peninsula with a cute lighthouse, however we did not fully comprehend that there is a reason to take a Siesta rather than ride your bike back against the wind in the hot sun. We were the only ones on the Rambla (13 mile bike path that goes along the water) struggling against the wind and getting sun burns. The cool beginning of the day and the end of the day is when the Rambla has lots of people.
We discovered that many people are out in the evening enjoying the sunset (magnifica puesta de sol) and a late meal. Leo took us to a lovely fish restaurant next to the water.

Sunday we discovered just how difficult it is to shake our American way of life when we took the bus to the botanical garden. The botanical garden seemed to be designed for afternoon siestas because it is mostly shade offering trees. Many people were there with blankets, chairs, and picnics including the ubiquitous mate thermos and special mate drinking cup. Paul and I walked around in the hot sun until we came upon a nice air conditioned museum with 100% art by Uruguayan artists. I was feeling very lethargic by this point.
We both had the realization that we should slow down, embrace our new way of life for two months and even give in to what seemed like a 24 hour virus but may have been a reaction to the strength of the sun.
Last night I felt a little flu-y while watching Wayne's World II to relax and have a laugh. This morning I'm recovering, while Paul is conked out on the couch. If I can find the Covid test I know I packed, I will test just to be on the safe side. However, this does seem like life is offering us a day to slow down. As a bonus, we discovered a morning dove sitting on eggs outside our bedroom window. Another morning dove, who may have been the Daddy, was a little more skittish when I got close with my camera but I did catch him flying away.
Hi (again)- I hope this gets published this time... I had said that it sounds sooo nice to really slow down... yes. And I love the pics- thank you!
Fun to read and to live vicariously here - much love to you both
Hi Ellen , I sorry I forgot to tell you about the siesta (very important, specially on summer) and late dinner.Hope you guys the best time in my country.