What does it mean to focus on the 99% of reality?
A challenge such as listening to someone complain about something or someone, may temporarily cause a focus on the 1% of reality rather than the 99%. It's natural to temporarily get caught on the rock of anger, judgment and criticism. Being caught on a rock could also be an opportunity to wait and listen for one word or sentence which could be the tiny opening to the power of light, intuition, possibility, joy, and source energy.
If our mind is a jumble of thoughts, we may find ourselves returning to a joyful dream perhaps while walking in the woods causing us to forget time and our to-do list. If we are drawn in by the dream current, there may be a manifestation that has something to do with our unique way of channeling the creator.
Yitzi's latest poem
Head amongst the flowers
Back against the tree
The field of dandelions
The sun through the canopy
It’s funny how
You can be in a hole
Of stress, of phones, of tiredness, of sickness
And then you dare to crawl out of your hole
And the sun’s shining
Oh, how the sun’s shining
And all you can see and feel
Is the gentle buzz of the world
The bees are like tiny little friends
The leaves, lime green, like gifts from the upper worlds
They fall slow like snowflakes
And the birds
Oh, the birds
They seem to sing the sweetest notes an ear could hear
Like honey are their whistles
Dripping into your ear
So whatever you make of yourself
Whatever hole you dig
Tower you build for yourself
Don’t forget this world
The one that stands within and beyond
Where you’ve been, where you’re going
Yes, it’s here, large and tiny
Buried within your churnings
Waiting to burst open around you
Once again
written by Yitzi Gittelsohn